Wednesday, January 31, 2007

good things

Two things are making me not-frustrated and happy right now:

1. My new phone.
Thank you, LG. Thank you.

2. I broke 150!! My weight is down to 149, which is a huge symbolic step to me. 11 pounds down, 14 to go.

Monday, January 29, 2007


I am so utterly frustrated right now. I am suffering from what has to be the worst case of knitter's block ever, and it is driving me insane... quickly. Nothing is coming out right, things keep getting messed up, and I can't find a basic, simple pattern that I want to do right now (though I'd probably mess up the simplest thing right now...)

I just feel like pulling my hair out.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

looking up

School started, and I am very dedicated this semester, despite the fact that my psychology professor seems hellbent on putting the class to sleep, and the love affair that my government professor seems to be involved in with himself. But, my grades and work this semester, though delegated by them, are not dependent on them, and I think I will still do good.
I'm also getting back out there socially and it feels nice. I know I can seem boring or quiet to my friends, like when I start a game of solitaire at a party, but I can also have and be a lot of fun. I'm enjoying myself right now though, so that's what matters.
I have been making slow progress in knitting. I lost my printouts for the letters H-J, and that's where I am right now on the blanket, so I need to make more printouts. I'll go on and do that now. I haven't worked on the blanket in over a week because of that, and I'm worried about finishing in time. I've made slow progress on Michael's socks, and started a pair of garter rib socks out of Blue Moon Fiber Arts Sock that Rock in Puck's Mischief. I like the yarn okay, but I think I prefer Cherry Tree Hill for some reason, at least in the way the yarn is plied. I wish CTH had better colors though!
Oh! And I can finally share my exciting news that we didn't want to jinx... Michael and I are moving into a house in March! We are getting an amazing deal, and it's going to be so wonderful and such an improvement for us. I really can't wait for March to get here.

Monday, January 15, 2007


I'm sitting here, killing time, waiting for five to roll around so we can order some chinese food. It's too cold and potentially icy for me to drive, but if some delivery guy wants to bring me some food, I'm all for it. It's been raining pretty much constantly for the past two days, and last night it finally dipped below freezing, but it's not getting "bad" until tonight and tomorrow.
Last night, Topper was laying on my half of the bed when it came time to go to sleep, so I tried putting pillows on him to make him uncomfortable. Yes, the logic of that plan still doesn't make sense to me. But it proved entertaining, and he's so good at taking pictures...

He's such an amazing dog. When I think about what he went through before he was even two months old, it breaks my heart. I'm so happy we have him, and I can't believe he's only 8 months old. He brings so much laughter into our apartment, and I can't wait to give him a backyard when we move.

Second Secret Pal Package

Finally, my long last camera to computer cord has been found. So, without further ado, I bring you the second package my secret pal sent me!


Okay, starting with the awesome pink socks in the middle, and going clockwise, she sent me...
A really sweet card
Note pads with bird designs that are actually just my style
Soak Woolwash in Citrus (I've seen this at my LYS so many times and now I can finally try it!!)
Skein of Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton - soooo soft, and already mostly used, as you can see. I couldn't wait to use it, so I made a hat for Eleanor for her christmas gift.
Hot pink page holder-upper. Very handy!
Hand salve, which is really helping in this cold weather we are having.
Stickers! Crafty stickers! They're really cute and funny - my favorite is obviously the knitting one ("Your gauge or mine?") haha. I'm way too excited about the stickers.

Thank you secret pal! You really wowed me with this one! Everything is just perfect! I have no idea who you are though - ahhhh suspense!!!

Now I really need to get on the ball and mail my second package!

Monday, January 08, 2007


Things are progressing well on all fronts for me right now. I have some super exciting news that I can hopefully share soon, but I don't really want to jinx anything right now.
Weightwise, I've lost five pounds so far (2 weeks), so that's good. I just have to keep going and going with it.
Knittingwise, I've finished (and seamed!) the first strip of Eleanor's blanket. One down, six to go! I started on the second last night. While seaming that strip together, I thought of not one, but two ways I could have done this differently to make it easier. I could have knit the strips as five big pieces and just had four seams to sew, or hey!, I could have used intarsia and done one big piece. Oh well.