Wednesday, January 31, 2007

good things

Two things are making me not-frustrated and happy right now:

1. My new phone.
Thank you, LG. Thank you.

2. I broke 150!! My weight is down to 149, which is a huge symbolic step to me. 11 pounds down, 14 to go.


Anonymous said...

Hot Dog! That's very exciting.

I used to weigh about 150 but now I've gotten down to 125 (I'm 5'6") and it's remained stable for about a year.

I'm at the last step of your project. Thanks for bearing with me on this. I got a sewing machine but it is missing a piece, so I'll have to hand-sew after all.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. Looney,
Thought I'd say hello--saw your post in Summer's blog. Hope all is sparkling in your life; it's been forever. Such a metamorphosis in your writing. The times they are a-changing, for all of us.

Andy (m'love from Montanaland) and I are going on a 19-day roadtrip through the southwest and into Austin and New Orleans, starting on March 22 (right after I gradjitate from University of Oregon). Was wondering if you might want to meet us for a cuppa at Flipnotics's or something while we're in towncitybustlingmetropolis. Not sure.

I've been student teaching English classes in high schools around Oregon and am loving it, with a flourish. If you're still thinking about teaching language arts, I completely advocate getting involved. Incredible stuff, if a ton of work. I've never felt so rewarded in my life.

Anyway, good luck with everything. Off I go, into the wide blue open.

Caitlin said...

Wow, Nilly! I still have your painting hanging up in my bedroom, which has become an "our" bedroom, since I am living with my boyfriend, Michael. I would love to see you when you come through town.