Tuesday, January 23, 2007

looking up

School started, and I am very dedicated this semester, despite the fact that my psychology professor seems hellbent on putting the class to sleep, and the love affair that my government professor seems to be involved in with himself. But, my grades and work this semester, though delegated by them, are not dependent on them, and I think I will still do good.
I'm also getting back out there socially and it feels nice. I know I can seem boring or quiet to my friends, like when I start a game of solitaire at a party, but I can also have and be a lot of fun. I'm enjoying myself right now though, so that's what matters.
I have been making slow progress in knitting. I lost my printouts for the letters H-J, and that's where I am right now on the blanket, so I need to make more printouts. I'll go on and do that now. I haven't worked on the blanket in over a week because of that, and I'm worried about finishing in time. I've made slow progress on Michael's socks, and started a pair of garter rib socks out of Blue Moon Fiber Arts Sock that Rock in Puck's Mischief. I like the yarn okay, but I think I prefer Cherry Tree Hill for some reason, at least in the way the yarn is plied. I wish CTH had better colors though!
Oh! And I can finally share my exciting news that we didn't want to jinx... Michael and I are moving into a house in March! We are getting an amazing deal, and it's going to be so wonderful and such an improvement for us. I really can't wait for March to get here.


Anonymous said...

I. Am. There.

At the new house, I mean. I can't knit to save my life.. or get into college. Dang!

Anonymous said...

A house - how exciting!

I'm sorry your knitting progress is slow. But it's nice to focus on socializing and sometimes the knitting has to take a back burner unless you are just getting together with other knitters who understand that you can knit and talk/listen at the same time.

I'm almost done with your package. I have everything bought, and your handmade item is almost done. Half of the sewing is finished, and just a bit more to go! I anticipate finishing it this weekend. So it may be arriving a bit after the 31st but it will definitely be done by then. Huzzah!

I'm so glad you liked your second package. When I look at the picture on Flickr, it makes me want one, too!