Monday, October 30, 2006


On a lighter note, I got my prize for knitting the 500th pair of Jaywalkers last week! Grumperina sent me the most beautiful Lorna's Laces. The color is Pale Pink, and it is the most perfect color of pink I have ever seen. I am so excited to find a pattern that will do this yarn justice.
After laughing maniacally while ripping out that last sock I was working on in Lana Grossa, I started a new pair this weekend. I'm using my solid turqouise Cherry Tree Hill to make the Child's French Sock from "Knitting Vintage Socks" by Nancy Bush. The pattern is working out beautifully, and it is my most complicated sock to date. I have only messed up twice so far (knock on wood), and both times, I have been patient enough to frog back and fix the mistake quickly.
There's nothing more satisfying than knitting a sock that fits in a pattern that works perfectly.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear that you like the yarn :). Enjoy knitting with it!

Caitlin said...

Well, the sock has been updated and re-sized, so it actually is for me. I wish some of the men's patterns were smaller! They're pretty nice looking, though everything in Nancy Bush's books are.
As far as keeping patterns straight, I just use post-it notes (usually torn to bits) to mark my place, and I look for smaller patterns within the pattern, like where the YOs go in each row, etc.
I wish I had the patience to do a pair of just ribbed socks. I'm getting better and better with making ribbing long enough and decent looking. My boyfriend wants a pair of ribbed socks, so I just have to build myself up to the simplicity I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Hi Caitlyn,

Can you check your Secret Pal e-mail? I sent you one on the 2nd and I'm sending another one today with some questions.

Thanks! How's the new sock coming? I'm writing a pattern for a pair of socks (my first written sock pattern) that will be special holiday socks. I'm very excited about it but am keeping it under wraps until I get it underway.

Caitlin said...

Oh no! I haven't gotten either of your emails! Are you sending them to secretpalknitter9 (at)

The sock is coming slowly (because of midterms), but I love the pattern, so it's a fun knit. I've turned the heel and I'm working on decreasing the gussets now. I will try to post some wip pictures tomorrow if it's not too rainy for sunlight.

Anonymous said...

OMG - that would explain it!

I've sent you about 6 e-mails and an Halloween e-card so far and I was starting to get a bit frustrated. I had e-mailed Lorinda but she said you were getting them. How I'm not sure since I have the wrong e-mail address for you! I had secretpal9knitter. Yipes!

I'll go resend them now so you'll have a bunch!